Environment Wizard
GenesisII offers the user a great deal of control over environmental settings,
particularly when using the Fractal Renderer. Often however you'll want to generate
a image quickly without manipulating your world's environment in detail. The
Environment Wizard allows you to do this in easily understood terms.
Environment Templates
Templates contain sets of environmental parameters which create a particular
type of landscape image. We supply a set of templates to get you started, and
more are available from our site. You
can also create your own templates.
To load a template simply select the template name from the list box, select the sections you wish to load (or all) and click load. The atmosphere, landscape surfaces, clouds and water surface sections broadly correspond to the settings controlled by the Atmosphere, Fractal Parameters, Clouds and Water modules.
Creating your own Templates
Templates are stored in .ini files located in the Templates directory. Templates
can be exported and imported directly using the Export Environment Settings
and Import Environment Settings menu items on the Project menu. To be
included in the Environment Wizard templates must be located in the Templates
directory - by default this is called Templates and is a subdirectory
of your GenesisII installation directory, but it's location can be changed on
the System Preferences dialog.
The description displayed in the Environment Wizard is the name of the current
Project. This can be set in Project Information dialog.